After Song 33
Dereka Thomas
i awake to find my hands plunged six feet into soft earth,
sky above me gray like bad is coming,
like death is coming
crow on my shoulder so familiar now—
old friend singing that same song
i hear it even when it’s gone,
humming out what hurts, what heals
hands hit jar, then bone,
glass encasing the demon—
man given life and woman ripped from rib
woman ripped from life
six feet under
and hands hit bone,
small like they weren’t here long
drowned dreams deferred and
they say they found her
man missing too, search gone sour
gone dead
little story on the news and hands hit bone
sky gray so gray,
rain on the solstice
soft earth gone sad-silent,
gone sad-sour
the rain comes on the solstice,
summer blue-gray like loss
like remembering
like those days spent searching before the silence
little bird on my shoulder silent now
silence now
demons go still in glass,
silent now,
silence now
Dereka Thomas is a writer from Fairburn, Georgia. Her southern upbringing and the time she has spent in the outdoors greatly influence her work. You can find her on instagram at @unencumbered_mind where she documents her travels and her favorite landscapes.