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get involved

Looking for ways to get involved with NECTAR?

Open Positions:

Guest Readers: Each issue, we will have a rotating set of guest readers helping us with submissions. This is a volunteer position. You do not necessarily have to identify as a “poet” or “writer” to apply for this position either. Our goal in having guest readers is to help us view submissions with fresh eyes, and to make progress toward destabilizing gatekeeping in literary spaces.



Hummingbird Mag:

Before moving to our own website, we got our start with our friends over at hummingbird magazine. If you like writing about music, you can contact our friends at Hummingbird to learn about their opportunities! 

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Support us on Ko-fi

Buy us a coffee! Your support helps us pay our contributors and keep our website running. We are a net-zero/non-profit organization, so any additional funds will be donated to the organizations we support (see our Resources page for more info).


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