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Tuesday by the river  

Angeliki Ampelogianni 

crystal blue waters     please, don’t    a yellow blanket   smelling of lemongrass       knees     pine cones

and stinging nettles       second day of June            a hand     some stray ducks moving     a pair of white

Converse     seventy three days        breath shaking, uneven           only      a slight breeze under a

scolding sun     fuchsia stickers on skates      the promise of free movement, gliding          hair uncut,

untamed        the white house on fire rose bushes    growing growing growing       blue notes on

green and brown, flakes           walking among reflections of bodies     water pushing through      fists on

the sky    mouths wide open     that familiar sun cream smell     who will be next    all the colours on our

skin             if only     yellow jumpsuit, yellow socks, hazel eyes     the currents strong, so blue        

words from a speaker    some song      black out black squares black hearts       a sip of water yellow

 hand sanitizer gel in clear bottle    hands in hands in hands     how long       do not picture this     the

thought of legos and baby arms     gliding     moving fast like           green brown ducklings     say their

names      swans caressing     a jazz song      walking in a river on a tuesdaysimple, slow

humming over a radio  rays    locked  down leaves on the surface        water hoping     and the fear of

the easing of rules 

Angeliki Ampelogianni is a Greek writer and poet. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and an MA in Creative Writing from Oxford Brookes University. She currently lives in Oxford with her favourite human and their favourite house plants. In her spare time she enjoys a few too many decaf coffees, and quinoa cheese puffs. Her work also appears in the Kindling Journal, Porridge Magazine, and Lucent Dreaming among others. You can find her on instagram @angel_de_la_vigne, and twitter @ampelogianni

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