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Roseline Mgbodichinma

I bite my lip 

till I can taste copper 


                  My teeth are tiny fences 

barricading my throat,

Stopping liquid from 

flowing into my gullet 


                     I never knew 

I could form a graveyard in my mouth,

That I could speak 

with my tongue buried in questions 


              If time heals all wounds 

Why does grief have a bitter aftertaste? 


                  The only special thing 

about razors is the ability 

to draw patterns on skin,

Lines & puzzles gleaming in red


              I don't think loss can be forgotten,

It turns into black & blends with the gum 

It resurfaces when it's time to speak about love


I bite into flesh digging for answers

I Tease my body with daggers 

                        & cleanse it with spirit


I will sew my mouth 

I will suck on my teeth 


                 Anybody can be swallowed 

Anybody can be bone in the gullet -

Poking the ears for an escape 


Anybody can survive this, 

                             Except me 

Roseline Mgbodichinma (she/her) is a Nigerian writer whose works have appeared or are forthcoming in The African writer Magazine, The Hellebore, Serotonin Poetry, West Trestle Review, X-ray lit mag, JFA human rights mag, Serotonin poetry, Indianapolis Review, Artmosterrific, Kalahari review, Blue Marvel Review & elsewhere. She won the Audience Favorite award for the Union Bank Campus writing challenge – Okada books, she is the third prize winner for the PIN food poetry contest and a finalist for the Shuzia Creative writing contest. You can reach her on her blog and Twitter @Rmgbodichinma

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